Sunday 5 February 2012

What's going on then? (4 February 2012)

Checking our posts brings the dawning realisation that the Upside down 2012 blog has been somewhat neglected of late. Now that will simply never do.

January 2012 brought a mild start to the year, which is good, and a raft of general bugs and feelings of ill health, which (for the avoidance of doubt) is generally considered bad. The combination of these things has meant that some training has been undertaken on various occasions. Mainly 35 or so quick rides albeit Craig and Pete did a 45 miler last week and I somehow managed a 56 miler the day after. In addition to the real riding there have been occasions of sporadic fake riding on one of those new-fangled turbo trainers. For those of a less athletic disposition than my own let me explain. A perfectly usable road bike is attached to a device which supports the rear wheel and a roller then rests against the wheel to provide some resistance. The rider/athlete/fool* (*delete as appropriate) then climbs aboard and pedals at differing resistances and speeds for defined duration. Voila - training! The duration depends less on when your legs will give up and more on when absolute boredom sets in - generally about 30 minutes will do it. Putting the bike and turbo combo in front of the TV provides a helpful distraction at best. However, hearing the TV above the drone of the turbo, and above that the noise of huffing and puffing is a challenge, whilst seeing it with salty eyes is also nigh on impossible.

That said, turbo training remains a good way to keep fitness levels up during the dark winter das and I shall persevere until spring has begun to spring....

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