Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 1 06:22 (24 May 2012)

The intention was for a good nights sleep pre-ride. And as the lights in the hostel went out at around 10:30pm it seemed that our intention was good and noble and going to plan. And so it remained until around twenty past midnight, when the mayhem commenced. A noise not heard in these parts since diplodocus and his/her chums roamed the planet. A deep rumbling sound, shaking the old windows and striking terror, and later frustration, into most of Team Upside Down. I say most, but not all, as one of Team UD was responsible for this commotion.... A snoring Paul Sheldon! Now we find ourselves 'ready' for the day ahead not quite as rested as we might have hoped. But the humour is good (currently at Paul's expense), the weather is shining and soon we'll be heading the last 50 miles north to commence our journey south. The final countdown has begun. At 0900 (ish) we shall ride!

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